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Faithfulness is a belief in God, His Word, and His commands that is actively shown through a person’s speech, attitudes, and behavior. Faith is the result of a personal belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then a daily dependence upon Jesus Christ. Your faith is proven by the works that you do following Salvation. James 2:17,18 Real faith endures through the trials and temptations of daily life. Both the Lord and other people can put confidence in a faithful person. He is a useful part of his family, church, and school. 

The opposite of faith is unbelief. Jesus said to Thomas, “Be not faithless, but believing.” Jn. 20:27 A belief is something a person acts upon in his life, not necessarily something a person talks about. What a person says about God’s Word must be followed up with speech, attitudes, and behaviors that show his belief. Many young people today have speech that reflects Godliness, but their lives often show a lack of faith. Mt. 15:8 Titus 1:16 Ez. 33:30,31 An unfaithful person is of little use to God or to others who depend upon him to be a witness and an example. Prov. 25:19 

The unsaved and saved alike give many excuses for their disobedience to the Word of God, but all (who give excuses) are lacking in faith; the unsaved lack the faith to believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and the saved often lack the faith to believe in and obey the Word of God. Using the list of verses, find an answer from the Bible for each statement. On the blank before each statement, write the letter of the verse that you would use to answer each statement, and then copy part or all of the verse that provides the answer for the lack of faith. 

What is your faithfulness like? Could the Lord someday welcome you to Heaven with the words of  Matthew 25:21? 

  1. I am faithful to the Lord by witnessing to others. Is. 43:10 Mt. 28:19 
  2. I have personally put my faith in Jesus Christ to save me from eternal death in Hell. John 3:36 
  3. I am faithful to God’s Word by being obedient to all that He asks me to do; I don’t pick and choose those things that are easier or more convenient. 
  4. I depend upon the Lord to help me to resist temptations from Satan. 
  5. I depend upon the Lord to take care of me by providing the things that I need and by keeping me safe from harm. 
  6. I am faithful to my relationship with the Lord by spending time with Him through prayer each day. 
  7. I am faithful to my relationship with the Lord by taking time each day to listen to Him as I read and study the Bible. 
  8. I daily put my faith in God to give me the counsel, correction, and discipline that I need to become a better servant for Him. 
  9. I am faithful to the Lord during difficult circumstances in my life; I do not get discouraged, angry, or bitter when trials come. 
  10. I am faithful to the Lord by being an enthusiastic, hard worker in school. 

Do you have a faithfulness that shows in your life through you speech, attitudes, work, and behavior? On the next page, set a specific goal for yourself so that your faith can be strengthened. 


“Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer … be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Revelation 2:10 

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Author: Mattheus J.H.