Are you a joyful Christian? Even though you will have problems and sorrows, you should still be full of joy because of the privilege of being a child of God, of being able to serve the Lord, and of having the Lord work in your life. As a Christian you have the joy of knowing that you have been delivered from eternal punishment in a burning Hell, and the joy of the promise of everlasting life in Heaven! Rom. 6:23 Jn. 3:16 Real joy is a deep emotion of peace and happiness that is obtained only through personally knowing Jesus Christ, living in submissive obedience to His Word, and recognizing the many benefits that are a part of your relationship with Him. Ps. 68:19 James 5:11a
Although having the same kind of fleshly body, unsaved people are empty of the joy that God meant for them to have. Prov. 13:15 Unsaved people are always seeking (in the wrong way) the satisfying joy that comes only through accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior. The unsaved only have temporary pleasure in their sin (Heb. 11:25), along with the simple pleasures of this life. Job 20:4,5 They have no hope for the future, facing only eternity in Hell. They live with a constant inner sorrow because of their idolatry -putting all else in life in place of Jesus Christ. Ps. 16:4a 1 Tim. 6:10 “Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful,” because they live as they think that they should. Prov. 14:12,13 The unsaved try to escape their sorrows through alcohol, drugs, rock music, habitual T.V. watching, things money can buy, false religions, and an active life of other activities. Prov. 21:4
Where will you find the only real source of joy? What things in your Christian life will bring to you the excitement of the joy of the Lord? There is something wrong in our life if your greatest excitement come through playing, entertainment, and fun activities. If you are like that, you will be driven to seek satisfaction through more and different activities – but you will never be satisfied for long.
Do you have the joy in your life that comes through an obedient walk with your Lord and Savior. Does your life show a joy that cannot be understood by the unsaved?
- I am joyful because my name is written down in Heaven! Lk. 10:20
- I am joyful because I have the privilege of personally talking to the Creator of the universe through prayer.
- I am joyful because I can show my love to the Lord by being obedient to my parents and teachers. Jn. 14:23
- I am joyful because Jesus Christ will be returning soon.
- I am joyful about the place that God has given me to live, the parents (or parent) He has given to me, and the other circumstances that He allows.
- I am joyfully looking forward to the things that the Lord has planned for me in the future.
- I am joyful because of the many promises in the Word of God.
- I am joyful because of Jesus Christ; I do not try to make myself joyful by constantly seeking to do those things that I think will be fun.
- I am careful to stay away from the false “spiritual joy” that some people try to get through speaking in tongues, unrestrained emotional experiences,
- I am joyful whenever I get to hear the Word of God preached. Ps. 122:1
Are you seeking joy in your life in the right way? Deuteronomy 28:45-48 describes the misery of failing to surrender your entire life to serve the Lord with joyfulness. Willing service brings joy, even through persecution.
“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”
Acts 20:24