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A person who shows the character trait of humility has a habit of being submissive to Divine will and has a sense of unworthiness in God’s sight. The word “humble” is also used in place of the word humility. A humble person realizes his weakness before God; therefore he can be strong in the Lord to stand and fight, boldly proclaiming God’s Word and battling against sin. James 4:10 2 Cor. 12:9,10; 13:4 Phil. 4:13 A humble person realizes his own inability, and sees his need to place his trust in the Lord to direct every moment of his life. Gal. 6:3 Prov. 3:5,6 A humble person gives God the glory for all his accomplishments, and recognizes that he is an unprofitable servant. 1 Cor. 10:31 Lk. 17:10 Deut. 8 A humble person has set aside his own desires, and seeks to “magnify” the Lord Jesus Christ by giving himself as a “living sacrifice.” Rom. 13:14 Phil. 1:20 Rom. 12:1 A humble person has learned that he must resist the temptations of the devil as he tempts through the fleshly lust to lift one’s self up in pride and to live according to feelings. James 4:7 1 Jn. 2:15,16 

God resists a proud person; a person who refuses to listen to and obey God’s Word, despises correction and discipline, is unforgiving, argumentative, or conceited. James 4:6 Pride can be detected through your words, your tone of voice, your eyes, your facial expressions, your posture, and the way that you walk. Is. 3:9 Prov. 6:16,17; 21:4 The proud person faces shame, destruction, resistance from God, and abasement (being brought low). Prov. 11:2; 16:18 James 4:6 Mt. 23:12 

Do you show humility in your life? Are you cooperating as the Lord shapes your life according to His will? Phil. 2:13 

  1. I am a person who could be asked to do anything by my parents, and I would willingly do what they had requested. 
  2. I am a person who could be asked to do anything by my teachers, and I would willingly do what they had requested. 
  3. I receive correction from my parents and teachers without getting angry.
  4. I am careful not to purposely do things that will draw attention to myself.
  5. I am willing to do anything that the Lord expects of me today. 
  6. I have more of an interest in helping others than of getting attention or honor for myself. 
  7. The way that I walk shows that I do not think of myself as “number one.”
  8. My posture in sitting shows that I am submissive to the will of God. 
  9. My tone of voice when answering to a command from my parents shows that I am willing to submit myself with humility under their authority.
  10. The expressions on my face when I am asked to do something unpleasant show that I am willing to submit in humility to the will of God. 

“But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we 

all are the work of thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8 

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Author: Mattheus J.H.