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A person who is honest has a habit of being fair, upright, and truthful in his speech, attitudes, and behaviors. Jesus Christ, the Author of truth, has through His truth set the Christian free to be honest toward all men. Jn. 8:32 Rom. 12:17b A lack of trust, fearfulness, and fleshly desires lead to temptations to be dishonest. 

Satan knows how dishonesty in speech, attitudes, and in dealing with other people harms the work of Jesus Christ. Satan, the father of lies (Jn. 8:44), wants to see no truth in his own or in God’s people. Dishonesty is very damaging to a trusting relationship between yourself and those whom you love as well as to your relationships with those in the world. If you are truthful, you will be trusted with greater responsibilities. 

If you are a truthful person you are more likely to be listened to when you witness to an unsaved person. Titus 2:8 

The Word of God sets clear standards for honesty. 

  • 1 Thes. 4:12
  • Prov. 21:6
  • Prov. 24:15
  • 2 Cor. 8:21.
  • Ec. 5:4-6.
  • Ex. 20:15.
  • Prov. 11:9; 10:18b.
  • Mt. 7:15,16.
  • 2 Peter 2:1.
  • Prov. 18:8.
  • Prov. 17:23.
  • Prov. 8:7.
  • Lev. 19:35,36.
  • Prov. 11:1.
  • 1 Tim. 6:20.
  • Prov. 10:18 

Are you honest in your daily life? Do you seek the truth of God’s Word and the strength of God to help you to be truthful in all that you say and do? 

  1. I am honest when asked to divide food or things with another person. 
  2. I am honest when others ask me questions; I do not lie to be popular or to avoid further conversation. 
  3. I tell my parents as soon as possible when I get in trouble at school (or other places away from home); I do not hide things from them. 
  4. I return extra change that might be given to me at a store. 
  5. I say something to a cashier who has undercharged me for something that I am buying. 
  6. I am honest toward the Lord; I am careful to give my tithe on any money that I earn or that is given to me. 
  7. I am honest and quickly confess to my parents about wrong things that I have done at home or in the neighborhood. 
  8. I am honest by being prompt in getting notes or papers from school to my parents. 
  9. I am honest about spiritual things; I do not say one thing and live differently.
  10. I do not flatter others to get them to think more highly of me.

Review the Student Exercises and the Personal Evaluation to find an area that you need to work on in your own life. 

Set a specific goal for yourself and ask the Lord to help you to achieve your goal. 


“But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened
in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” 

Deuteronomy 25:15 

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Author: Mattheus J.H.