A person who shows contentment in his life has a habit of being satisfied with what is given to him or with what is taken from him; he is also at peace through the tests and trials of life. A contented person does not want what he can’t have or shouldn’t have, nor does he complain about circumstances in his life.
Contentment in your life will come only through a trust in and dependence upon the Lord to provide all that you need in life. Some of these needs will be the unpleasant experiences of discipline and trials planned by the Lord. Sometimes you will need to do without something that you want to have. Pray that the Lord will help you to be content with all that He knows that you need in your daily life.
It is wrong to have the attitude of, “I am content with my spiritual growth and with my service for the Lord.” This is not contentment, but rather self-satisfaction felt as a result of pride. Constantly strive to grow spiritually (2 Peter 3:18) and to do more for the Lord each day. Luke 17:10
Contentment will show in your life through your attitudes, speech, and behavior. Do you show contentment in your life?
- I am content when I am told that I cannot have something that I want.
- I am content with the rules that I have to follow in my family.
- I am content with the work that I am asked to do at school.
- I am content to know that I may lack certain abilities or skills that others might have.
- I am content in going wherever my parents ask me to go to.
- I am content when my parents tell me that I can’t go to a friend’s house.
- I try to avoid listening to things or looking at things that I know will cause me to be discontented.
Contentment depends upon your trust in the Lord and a belief in the promises of His Word. set a specific goal for yourself to practice a habit of contentment. Along with your goal, write down a verse that you will memorize and think of whenever you are discontented.
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am,
therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11