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(Please look up the Bible texts for your self.) 

Discretion is the discernment that helps you to be a critical judge of what is correct and proper in any situation. Although you should not be concerned about offending others while you are doing right, there are many things that you should avoid doing because they are things that might offend others in such’a way as to unnecessarily turn them against you. 

For example, your relationship with God is not affected by whether or not you eat meat. 1 Cor. 8:8 If your eating of meat offends one who is weak in the faith (1 Cor. 8:9), then you should discern that it would be best not to eat meat when you are around that person. It is so important that you do not offend (in areas that do not affect your relationship with God) that you should not do something offensive as long as the world stands – for the purpose of helping another person. 1 Cor. 8:13 but it should be avoided because of the way others may have been taught to think about that particular habit. 

Test and examine all things, and approve only excellent things to be a part of your life. Phil. 1:10 1 Thes. 5:21 Prov. 4:26 The unsaved are watching you for any opportunity to say, “You’re no different- you’re just like the rest of the world.”

“There is something different about that person. That’s a difference that I would like to have.” 


Do you show discretion in your life? 

  1. I do not chew my nails in public. 
  2. I keep my body clean and unoffensive to others. 
  3. I am careful about the way that I sit when I am around the opposite sex.
  4. I do not draw attention to myself through the way that I behave. Jn. 3:30 
  5. I make sure that I am properly dressed when around others so that my clothing clearly identifies my sex. 
  6. I am careful to eat properly when around other people; holding my utensils properly, using a napkin, etc. 
  7. I do not draw attention to myself through the way that I talk. 
  8. I do not draw attention to myself through the way that I laugh or sneeze.
  9. I make sure that I always have on clothing that modestly covers my body when I am around the opposite sex. 
  10. When eating with others I try to pace myself so that I finish eating at approximately the same time as the others. 

Be the best person that you can be for Jesus Christ! Remember that discretion comes from the Word of God; the more you study and learn about God, the more discretion you will have in your life. Set a specific goal to learn to have more discretion or to stop (or begin) a specific attitude, behavior, or other personal habit. 

“Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.” 

1 Corinthians 8:13 

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Author: Mattheus J.H.